
Research theme


1. 基礎研究 移植免疫分野

この夢のような治療は「免疫寛容誘導法」と呼ばれ、古くから研究され、近年米国で臨床試験も開始されてはいますが、未だ有効な方法は確立していません。当研究室では理化学研究所との共同研究で、NKT細胞を活性化させることにより免疫寛容を誘導する新しい方法を発見しました。この新規免疫寛容誘導法の導入により、従来報告されてきた方法と比べて極めて簡単に、かつ安全に免疫寛容の誘導が可能となることが期待されます。大学院研究期間中にはこの免疫寛容誘導の実験モデル解析を通して、マウス骨髄移植、皮膚移植、心臓移植などの手技やリンパ球in vitro試験、FACS scanやqPCR法などの解析手法、遺伝子改変マウスの取り扱いなどを習熟できます。また、この他にも小動物高感差移植モデルを用いた新しい脱感差療法の開発などに取り組んでいます。



  • NKT細胞活性化を利用した新しい免疫寛容誘導法の発見
  • ラット高感差腎移植モデルの解析
  • マウスを用いた免疫寛容破綻の解析
  • サルでの免疫寛容破綻におけるエフェクターCD8の役割 など

2. 基礎研究 腫瘍分野

当研究室では東京理科大学にて開発された新規放射線感受性増感剤を用いて、前立腺癌、腎癌、尿路上皮癌の放射線治療成績の向上を目指す研究を行っています。研究を通して腫瘍細胞の培養、ヌードマウスを用いたin vivo解析と腫瘍切片の病理標本作製などを学ぶことができます。本研究の成果から、泌尿器癌の新しい放射線療法を確立するための基盤形成が計画されています。


  • 大腸がん
  • 肺がんモデルにおける放射線感受性増感剤の効果

3. 臨床研究 移植腎病理分野



  • 血管内皮キメリズムと移植腎予後の検証
  • リツキシマブ投与後の脾臓内CD20陽性細胞の解析
  • プロトコール腎生検によるSub-clinical AMR診断の意義 など

4. 臨床研究 臨床検査分野



  • 移植患者のリンパ球分画解析
  • 拒絶マーカーとしての尿中N-GAL測定の検証
  • 抗ドナー抗体発症のリスク因子及び予防因子解析 など

この他、泌尿器癌に対する自己γδ型Tリンパ球を用いた治療法の研究(輸血部との共同研究)、 シート工学を応用した尿路上皮の再生および再生上皮を用いた膀胱拡大術の研究(先端生命医科学研究所との共同研究)などでも実績を挙げています。


月曜日 各分野の研究
火曜日 各分野の研究、データミーティング
水曜日 各分野の研究
木曜日 腎移植臨床カンファレンスへの参加、Journal Club(最新の英語論文読み合わせ)、各分野の研究、データミーティング
金曜日 実験カンファレンス、移植腎病理検討会への参加、各分野の研究
土曜日 各分野の研究



  • 米国泌尿器科学会(AUA)
  • 米国移植学会(ATC)
  • 世界移植学会(WTC)
  • 国際禁制学会(ICS)
  • アメリカ免疫学会議(AIA)
  • 国際免疫学会議(ICI)
  • 日本泌尿器科学会総会
  • 日本移植学会総会
  • 日本臨床腎移植学会
  • 日本免疫学会総会



  • 2015年日本移植学会賞
  • 第14回アジア移植学会 Best Abstract Award
  • 2015年アメリカ移植学会 Young Investigator Award
  • 2015年日本泌尿器科学会ヤングリサーチグラント
  • 2014年世界移植学会 Young Investigator Travel Award
  • 2014年国際移植学会 Science Mentee-Mentor Awards
  • 2014年アメリカ免疫学会 Trainee Poster Award



  1. OKUMI Masayoshi, TOKI Daisuke, NOZAKI Taiji, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, SHIRAKAWA Hiroki, OMOTO Kazuya, INUI Masashi, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari ABO-Incompatible living kidney transplants: Evolution of outcomes and immunosuppressive management. Am J Transplant 2015/11
  2. Nakajima R, Abe K, Kondo T, Nagashima Y, Kimura K, Fukushima K, Momose M, Kondo C, Tanabe K, Sakai S. FDG-PET/CT and CT findings of a benign solitary fibrous tumor of the kidney: correlation with pathology. Asia Oceania J Nucl Med Biol 2015/07 3(2):116-119
  3. SAWADA Yugo, OMOTO Kazuya, KOHEI Naoki, SAKAGUCHI Kengo, MIURA Masahiko, TANABE Kazunari Sulfoquinovosylacylpropanediol is a novel potent radiosensitizer in prostate cancer. Int J Urol 2015/06 22(6):590-595
  4. OMAE Kenji, KONDO Tsunenori, TAKAGI Toshio, MORITA Satoru, HASHIMOTO Yasunobu, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, IIZUKA Junpei, NOZAKI Taiji, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, TANABE Kazunari. Renal sinus exposure as an independent factor predicting asymptomatic unruptured pseudoaneurysm formation detected in the early postoperative period after minimally invasive partial nephrectomy. Int J Urol 2015/04 22(4):356-361
  5. ISHIHARA Hiroki, KIKUNO Nobuyuki, HAYAKAWA Nozomi, RYOJI Osamu, TANABE Kazunari. Retroperitoneal catecholamine-producing ganglioneuroma with a birth history of monozygotic twins who both suffered from neuroblastoma during their childhoods: A case report with genome analysis. J Neurol Sci 2015/10 357(1-2):329-331
  6. Unagami Kohei, Kawanishi Kunio, Shimizu Tomokazu, Kanzawa Taichi, Toki Daisuke, Okumi Masayoshi, Omoto Kazuya, Horita Shigeru, Koike Junki, Honda Kazuho, Nagashima Yoji, Ishida Hideki, Tanabe Kazunari, Nitta Kosaku. A case of recurrent focal segmental glomerulosclerosis after kidney transplantation associated with variant conversion in the Columbia classification. Nephrology (Carlton) 2015/07 20 Suppl 2:96-100
  7. YAGISAWA Takafumi, OMOTO Kazuya, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari. Arteriosclerosis in zero-time biopsy is a risk factor for tacrolimus-induced chronic nephrotoxicity. Nephrology (Carlton) 2015/07 20(suppl2):51-57
  8. SHIMIZU Tomokazu, TOMA Hiroshi, ISHII Rumi, TSUNOYAMA Kuniko, IIZUKA Junpei, NOZAKI Taiji, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari, HONDA Kazuho, KOIKE Junki Clinical and pathological analyses of chronic vascular rejection after kidney transplantation. Nephrology (Carlton) 2015/07 20(suppl2):20-25
  9. SAI Keiko, OMOTO Kazuya, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, HONDA Kazuho, TANABE Kazunari The impact of C4d-negative acute antibody-mediated rejection on short-term prognosis among kidney transplant recipients. Nephrology (Carlton) 2015/07 20(suppl2):16-19
  10. Kobari Y, Takagi T, Kondo T, Tachibana H, Iida S, Nishina Y, Omae K, Morita S, Yamamoto T, Iizuka J, Nagashima Y, Tanabe K. Fat-poor angiomyolipoma with cyst-like changes mimicking a cystic renal cell carcinoma: a case report. World J Surg Oncol 2015/08 13(1):251-251
  11. Hirai T, Ishii R, Miyairi S, Ikemiyagi M, Omoto K, Ishii Y, Tanabe K; Clonal deletion established via invariant natural killer T cell activation and costimulatory blockade required in vivo expansion of regulatory T cells. Am J Transplant 2015, Oct; Epub ahead of print


  1. Hirai T, Ishii Y, Ikemiyagi M, Fukuda E, Omoto K, Namiki M, Taniguchi M, Tanabe K: A novel approach inducing transplant tolerance by activated invariant natural killer T cells with costimulatory blockade. Am J Transplant.2014;14(3):554-67.
  2. Kondo T, Takagi T, Kobayashi H, Iizuka J, Nozaki T, Hashimoto Y, Ikezawa E, Yoshida K, Omae K, Tanabe K: Superior Tolerability of Altered Dosing Schedule of Sunitinib with 2-Weeks-on and 1-Week-off in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma--Comparison to Standard Dosing Schedule of 4-Weeks-on and 2-Weeks-off. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2014 Mar;44(3):270-7.
  3. Sato Y, Ishida H, Shimizu T, Tanabe K: Evaluation of tonsillectomy before kidney transplantation in patients with IgA nephropathy. Transpl Immunol. 2014 Jan;30(1):12-7.
  4. Hirai T, Furusawa M, Omoto K, Ishida H, Tanabe K: Analysis of Predictive and Preventive Factors for De Novo DSA in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Transplantation 2014, Transplantation. 2014 Aug:98(4):443-50 
  5. Hirai T, Furusawa M, Omoto K, Ishida H, Tanabe K: Authors’ Reply. Transplantation. 2014 Aug:98(4) 
  6. TOKI Daisuke, Zhang W, Hor K. L. M, Liuwantara D, Alexander S. I, Yi Z, Sharma R, Chapman J. R, Nankivell B. J, Murphy B, O'Connell P. J : The role of macrophages in the development of human renal allograft fibrosis in the first year after transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2014,14(9):2126-2136
  7. YAGISAWA Takafumi, KONDO Tsunenori, OMAE Kenji, TAKAGI Toshio, IIZUKA Junpei, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, HASHIMOTO Yasunobu, TANABE Kazunari: Combination of molecular targeted therapy and surgery for a patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma with a poor prognosis. International Cancer Conference Journal
  8. TAKAGI Toshio, KONDO Tsunenori, TAJIMA Tsuyoshi, CAMPBELL Steven C., TANABE Kazunari: Enhanced computed tomography after partial nephrectomy in early postoperative period to detect asymptomatic renal artery pseudoaneurysm. International Journal of Urology 2014; 21(9):880-885
  9. TAKAGI Toshio, SUGIHARA Toru, YASUNAGA Hideo, HORIGUCHI Hiromasa, FUSHIMI Kiyohide, KONDO Tsunenori, HOMMA Yukio, TANABE Kazunari: Cytoreductive nephrectomy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma:A population-based analysis of perioperative outcomes according to clinical stage. International Journal of Urology 2014; 21(8):770-775
  10. TAKAGI Toshio, KONDO Tsunenori, IIZUKA Junpei, OMAE Kenji, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, HASHIMOTO YASUNOBU, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, TANABE Kazunari: Better recovery of kidney function in patients with de novo chronic kidney disease after partial nephrectomy compared with those with pre-existing chronic kidney disease. International Journal of Urology 2014; 21(6):613-616
  11. TAKAGI Toshio, KONDO Tsunenori, TANABE Kazunari: Stage migration of renal cell carcinoma at a single Japanese university hospital: 24-year study. International Journal of Urology 2014; 21(4):429-430
  12. KONDO Tsunenori, HARA Isao, TAKAGI Toshio, KODAMA Yoshiki, HASHIMOTO Yasunobu, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, IIZUKA Junpei, OMAE Kenji, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, TANABE Kazunari: Template-based lymphadenectomy in urothelial carcinoma of the renal pelvis: A prospective study. Int J Urol 2014; 21(5):453-459
  13. Saito Takako, Uchida Keiko, Ishida Hideki, Tanabe Kazunari, Nitta Kosaku; Changes in glomerular filtration rate after donation in living kidney donors: a single-center cohort study. Int Urol Nephrol 2014; 47(2):397-403
  14. KONDO Tsunenori, HARA Isao, TAKAGI Toshio, KODAMA Yoshiki, HASHIMOTO Yasunobu, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, IIZUKA Junpei, OMAE Kenji, IKEZAWA Eri, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, TANABE Kazunari; Possible role of template-based lymphadenectomy in reducing the risk of regional node recurrence after nephroureterectomy in patients with renal pelvic cancer. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2014; 44(12):1233-1238
  15. IKEZAWA Eri, KONDO Tsunenori, HASHIMOTO Yasunobu, KOBAYASHI Hirohito, IIZUKA Junpei, TAKAGI Toshio, OMAE Kenji, TANABE Kazunari ; Clinical symptoms predict poor overall survival in chronic-dialysis patients with renal cell carcinoma associated with end-stage renal disease. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2014; 44(11):1096-1100
  16. SHIROYANAGI Yoshiyuki, KIM Woojin, SUZUKI Hiroko, YAMAZAKI Yuichiro: Winter is associated with failure in the alarm treatment of nocturnal enuresis. Journal of Pediatric Urology 2014; 10(2):246-249
  17. TAKAGI Toshio, MIR Maria C., SHARMA Nidhi, REMER Erick M., LI Jianbo, DEMIRJIAN Sevag, KAOUK Jihad H., CAMPBELL Steven C. Compensatory hypertrophy after partial and radical nephrectomy in adults. J Urol 2014 192(6):1612-1619
  18. DEMIRJIAN Sevag, LANE Brian R., DERWEESH Ithaar H., TAKAGI Toshio, FERGANY Amr, CAMPBELL Steven C. Chronic kidney disease due to surgical removal of nephrons: relative rates of progression and survival. J Urol 2014: 192(4):1057-1063
  19. MIR Maria C., TAKAGI Toshio, CAMPBELL Rebecca A., SHARMA Nidhi, REMER Erick M., LI Jianbo, DEMIRJIAN Sevag, STEIN Robert, KAOUK Jihad, CAMPBELL Steven C. Poorly functioning kidneys recover from ischemia after partial nephrectomy as well as strongly functioning kidneys. J Urol 2014 192(3):665-670
  20. TAKAGI Toshio, MIR Maria C., CAMPBELL Rebecca A., SHARMA Nidhi, REMER Erick M., LI Jianbo, DEMIRJIAN Sevag, KAOUK Jihad H., CAMPBELL Steven C. Predictors of precision of excision and reconstruction in partial nephrectomy. J Urol 2014 192(1):30-35
  21. SETOGUCHI Kiyoshi, KAWASHIMA Yoichiro, TOKUMOTO Tadahiko, TOMA Hiroshi, MIZOGUCHI Syogo, HORITA Shigeru, YAMAGUCHI Yutaka, TANABE Kazunari ; Proliferative glomerulonephritis with monoclonal immunoglobulin A light-chain deposits in the renal allograft. Nephrology 2014; 19(suppl3):49-51
  22. SHIMIZU Tomokazu, ISHIDA Hideki, TOKI Daisuke, NOZAKI Taiji, OMOTO Kazuya, TANABE Kazunari, HONDA Kazuho, KOIKE Junki. Clinical and pathological analyses of transplant glomerulopathy cases. Nephrology 2014 19(suppl3):21-26
  23. KOHEI Naoki, SAWADA Yugo, HIRAI Toshihito, OMOTO Kazuya, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari. Influence of dialysis duration on the outcome of living kidney transplantation. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 2014; 18(5):481-488
  24. ISHIDA Hideki, FURUSAWA Miyuki, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, NOZAKI Taiji, TANABE Kazunari. Influence of preoperative anti-HLA antibodies on short- and long-term graft survival in recipients with or without rituximab treatment. Transpl Int 2014 27(4):371-382
  25. OMOTO Kazuya, NOZAKI Taiji, INUI Masashi, HIRAI Toshihito, SAWADA Yugo, SHIMIZU Tomokazu, TOKI Daisuke, ISHIDA Hideki, TANABE Kazunari . Retroperitoneoscopic donor nephrectomy with multiple renal arteries does not affect graft survival and ureteral complications. Transplantation 2014 98(11):1175-1181
  26. OMAE Kenji, KONDO Tsunenori, TANABE Kazunari. High preoperative C-reactive protein values predict poor survival in patients on chronic hemodialysis undergoing nephrectomy for renal cancer. Urol Oncol 2014 33(2):67.e9-67.e13
  27. TAKAGI Toshio, MIR Maria C., CAMPBELL Rebecca A., SHARMA Nidhi, REMER Erick M., LI Jianbo, DEMIRJIAN Sevag, KAOUK Jihad H., CAMPBELL Steven C. Assessment of outcomes in partial nephrectomy incorporating detailed functional analysis. Urology 2014 84(5):1128-1133


  1. Iida S, Suzuki T, Tanabe K, Valujskikh A, Fairchild RL, Abe R: Transient Lymphopenia Breaks Costimulatory Blockade-Based Peripheral Tolerance and Initiates Cardiac Allograft Rejection. Am J Transplant. 2013;13(9):2268-2279.
  2. Hoshino Y, Abe Y, Endo M, Wakai S, Shirakawa H, Hotta O, Ishida H, Tanabe K, Tsuchiya K, Nitta K: Five cases of tonsillectomy and steroid pulse therapy for recurrent immunoglobulin A nephropathy after kidney transplantation. CEN Case Rep. Published online: 12 September 2013.
  3. Kohno M, Tajima T, Omoto K, Tanabe K, Sakai S: Detectability of Renal Arteries in Living Renal Donors Using Multi-Detector CT: Comparison among Axial and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Images. Open Journal of Medical Imaging, 2013;3:75-81.
  4. Setoguchi K, Hattori Y, Iida S, Baldwin Ⅲ WM, Fairchild RL:Endogenous Memory CD8 T Cells Are Activated Within Cardiac Allografts Without Mediating Rejection. Am J Transplant. 2013;13(9):2293-2307.
  5. Tait Brian D, Susal C, Gebel Howard M. Nickerson Peter W. Zachary Andrea A, CLAAS Frans H.J, Reed Elaine F, Bray Robert A, Campbell P, Chapman Jeremy R, Coates P.Toby, Colvin Robert B, Cozzi E, Doxiadis Ilias I.N, Fuggle Susan V, Gill J, Glotz D, Lachmann N, Mohanakumar T, Suciu-Foca N, Sumitran-Holgresson S, Tanabe K, Taylor Craig J, Tyan Dolly B, Webster A, Zeevi A, Opelz G:Consensus Guidelines on the Testing and Clinical Management Issues Associated With HLA and Non-HLA Antibodies in Transplantation.Transplantation.2013;95(1):19-47.
  6. Tsuchiya T, Ishida H, Tanabe T, Shimizu T, Honda K, Omoto K, Tanabe K:Comparison of Pharmacokinetics and Pathology for Low-Dose Tacrolimus Once-Daily and Twice-Daily in Living Kidney Transplantation: Prospective Trial in Once-Daily Versus Twice-Daily Tacrolimus.Transplantation.2013;96(2):198-204.
  7. Yamashita K, Ito F, Ito K, Tomoe H, Nakazawa H:Retroperitoneoscopic renal pedicle lymphatic disconnection for chyluria following abdominal surgery.Japanese Journal of Endourology.2013;26(1):142-144.
  8. Yamashita K, Ito F, Nakazawa H:Primary Signet-Ring Cell Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder in an Atomic Bomb Survivor: A Case Report.World Journal of Nephrology and Urology.2013;2(1):40-43.
  9. Tanabe K, Inui M: Desensitization for prevention of chronic antibody-mediated rejection after kidney transplantation. Clin Transplant. 2013 Nov-Dec;27 Suppl 26:2-8.
  10. Takagi T, Kondo T, Iizuka J, Omae K, Kobayashi H, Hashimoto Y, Yoshida K,Tanabe K: Better recovery of kidney function in patients with de novo chronic kidney disease after partial nephrectomy compared with those with pre-existing chronic kidney disease. Int J Urol. 2013 Nov 28.
  11. Takagi T, Kondo T, Tanabe K: Stage migration of renal cell carcinoma at a single Japanese university hospital: 24-year study. Int J Urol. 2013 Oct 17.
  12. Ryosaka M, Omoto K, Nozaki T, Yoshida K, Sawada Y, Hirano H, Shimizu T, Ishida H, Tanabe K: Successful Kidney Transplantation for End-Stage Renal Disease in Marfan's Syndrome. Case Rep Transplant. 2013;2013:809613.
  13. Omoto K, Nozaki T, Inui M, Shimizu T, Hirai T, Sawada Y, Ishida H, Tanabe K: Impact of right-sided nephrectomy on long-term outcomes in retroperitoneoscopic live donor nephrectomy at single center. J transplant. 2013;2013:546373


  1. Hirai T, Kohei N, Omoto K, Ishida H, Tanabe K: Significance of low-level DSA detected by solid-phase assay in association with acute and chronic antibody-mediated rejection Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ. Transplantation. 2012;25(9):925-934.
  2. Iida S, Omoto K, Kanemitsu I, Setoguchi K, Ishida H, Tanabe Kazunari, Suzuki T, Tashiro Y, Kishimoto H, Abe Ryo: Interleukin-6 Receptor Signaling Disruption Prevents Cardiac Allograft Deterioration in Mice Experimental and clinical transplantation : official journal of the Middle East Society for Organ. Transplantation. 2012;10(4):375-385.
  3. Ito F, Goya N, Nakazawa H, Suzuki T, Suzuki K, Kubo K, Kihara T: A Study of Plasma Bicalutamide Concentrations Hemodialysis Patients. Urologia internationalis. 2012;89:162-165.
  4. Iizuka J, Kondo T, Hashimoto Y, Kobayashi H, Ikezawa E, Takagi T, Omae K, Tanabe K: Similar functional outcomes after partial nephrectomy for clinical T1b and T1a renal cell carcinoma. International Journal of Urology. 2012;19(11):980-986.
  5. Inui M, Ishida H, Omoto K, Tanabe T, Hattori M, Hirano H, Tanabe K: Kidney Transplantation at Tokyo Women's Medical University. Clinical Transplants 2012:127-143.
  6. Kondo T, Tanabe K: Role of lymphadenectomy in the management of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder and the upper urinary tract. International Journal of Urology. 2012;19(8):710-721.
  7. Masashi W, Nakajima S, Ohnuki K, Ogawa S, Yamashita M, Nakayama T, Murakami Y, Tanabe K, Abe R: AP-1 is involved in ICOS gene expression downstream of TCR/CD28 and cytokine receptor signaling. European journal of immunology. 2012; 42:1850-1862.
  8. Nishimura K, Kobayashi S, Sugawara H, Nakajima I, Ishida H, Tanabe K, Ishigooka J: Psychiatric Consultation After Kidney Transplantation: A 10-Year Single-Center Study Including Outpatients in Japan. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 2012;43(3):197-209.
  9. Sato Y, Mizuguchi T, Shigenaga S, Yoshikawa E, Chujo K, Minakuchi J, Kawashima S:Shortened Red Blood Cell Lifespan Is Related to the Dose of Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents Requirement in Patients on Hemodialysis Therapeutic. Apheresis and Dialysis. 2012;16(6):522-528.
  10. Saito H, Matsuda T, Tanabe K, Kawauchi A, Terachi T, Nakagawa K, Iwamura M, Shigeta M, Tatsugami K, Ito A, Machida J, Kawakita M, Kinoshita H, Shinohara N, Ioritani N, Seki T, Arai Y: Surgical and Oncologic Outcomes of Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy: A Japanese Multi-Institutional Study of 1375 Patients. Journal of endourology / Endourological Society. 2012;26(6):652-659.
  11. Shimizu T, Tanabe T, Shirakawa H, Omoto K, Ishida H, Tanabe K: Clinical and pathological analysis of transplant glomerulopathy cases. Clinical transplantation. 2012;26(s24):37-42.
  12. Shimizu T, Tanabe T, Shirakawa H, Omoto K, Ishida H, Tanabe K: Acute vascular rejection after renal transplantation and isolated v-lesion. Clinical transplantation. 2012;26(s24):2-8.
  13. Takagi T, Kondo T, Iizuka J, Kobayashi H, Hashimoto Y, Tanabe K: Cytoreductive nephrectomy for pT3b-T4 M1 renal cell carcinoma in 39 patients: single center analysis. International Journal of Urology. 2012;19(9):875-879.
  14. Takagi T, Kondo T, Iizuka J, Ikezawa E, Kobayashi H, Hashimoto Y, Tanabe K: Predictors for postoperative renal function after open partial nephrectomy: Including postoperative biomarkers. International Journal of Urology. 2012;19(9):823-828.
  15. Tomoe H: Value of Maximum Urethral Closure Pressure in Predicting the Outcome of Tension-Free Vaginal Tape and Transobturator Tape Procedure. Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. 2012;5(2):65-88.
  16. Tsunoyama K, Sakakibara R, Takahashi O, Sugiyama M, Uchiyama T, Tateno F, Kishi M, Tsuyusaki Y, Yamamoto T, Tanabe K: How the Bladder Senses? A Five-Grade Measure. Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. 2012;5(1):17-22.
  17. Tsunoyama K, Ishida H, Shimizu T, Omoto K, Tanabe K: Improvement of Urinary Dysfunction After Kidney Transplantation by Administration of the Antimuscarinic Agent-Prospective Randomized Controlled Study. Transplantation. 2012;93(6):597-602.
  18. Yamashita K, Ito F, Nakazawa H: Perioperative outcomes of laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for cenal cell carcinoma in patients with dialysis-dependent end-stage renal disease. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis. 2012;16(3):254-259.
  19. Okubo Y, Ishiguro N, Suganuma T, Nisikawa T, Takubo T, Kojimahara N, Yago R, Nunoda S, Sugihara S, Yoshioka T: Team-Based Learning,a Learning Strategy for Clinical Reasoning ,in Students with Problem-Based Learning Tutorial Experiences. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2012;227(1):23-29.


  1. Hirai T, Ishida H, Toki D, Miyauchi Y, Kohei N, Iida S, Tokita D, Shimizu T, Shirakawa H, Omoto K, Tanabe K:Comparison of the acute rejection incidence rate in spousal donor transplantation before and after anti-CD20 antibody (rituximab) protocol as desensitization therapy.Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis.2011;15(1):89-97.
  2. Iida S, Ishida H, Miyamoto N, Shirakawa H, Shimizu T, Setoguchi K, Toki D, Tanabe K:Mild rhabdomyolysis after renal transplantation.Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation : an official publication of the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, Saudi Arabia.2011;22(3):521.
  3. Ishibashi, Tokumoto T, Shirakawa H, Hashimoto, Ikuta, Kushida, Yanagida , Shishido, Akikawa, Toma H, Inoue, Yamaguchi, Tanabe K, Suzutani:Lack of antibodies against the antigen domain 2 epitope of cytomegalovirus(CMV) glycoprotein B is associated with CMV disease after renal transplantation in recipients having the same glycoprotein H serotypes as their donors.Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society.2011;13:318-323.
  4. Ishida H, Hirai T, Kouhei N, Yamaguchi Y, Tanabe K:Significance of qualitative and quantitative evaluations of anti-HLA antibodies in kidney transplantation.Transplant International.2011;24(2):150-157.
  5. Kennoki T, Kondo T, Kimata N, Murakami J, Ishimori I, NAKAZAWA H, Yasunobu H, Kobayashi H, Iizuka J, Takagi T, Yoshida K, Tanabe K:Clinical results and pharmacokinetics of sorafenib in chronic hemodialysis patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma in a single center.Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology.2011;41(5):647-655.
  6. Kondo T, Tanabe K:The role of lymph node dissection in the management of urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract.International Journal of Clinical Oncology.2011;16(3):170-178.
  7. Kobayashi H, Tanaka Y, Nakazawa H, Yagi J, Minato N, Tanabe K:A new indicator of a favorable prognosis in locally advancedrenal cell carcinomas: γδ T-cells in peripheral blood.Anticancer research.2011;31(3):1027-1031.
  8. Kobayashi H, Tanaka Y, Yagi J, Minato N, Tanabe K:Phase I/II study of adoptive transfer of γδ T cells in combination with zoledronic acid and IL-2 to patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma.Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII.2011;60(8):1075-1084.
  9. Setoguchi K, A.D.Schenk , Ishii D , Hattori Y , W.M.Baldwin III , Tanabe K, R.L.Fairchild:LFA-1 antagonism inhibits early infiltration of endogenous memory CD8 T cells into cardiac allografts and donor-reactive T cell priming.American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.2011;11(5):923-935.
  10. Shirakawa H, Ishida H, Shimizu T, Omoto K, Iida S, Toki D, Tanabe K:The low dose of rituximab in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation without a splenectomy: a single-center experience.Clinical transplantation.2011;25(6):878-884.
  11. Suzuki H, Kondo T, Kuwatsuru R, Wada K, Kubota M, Kobayashi H, Iizuka J, Ikezawa E, Takagi T, Tanabe K:Decompressive surgery in combination with preoperative transcatheter arterial embolization: Successful improvement of ambulatory function in renal cell carcinoma patients with metastatic extradural spinal cord compression.International Journal of Urology.2011;18(10):718-722.
  12. Tanabe T, Shimizu T, Sai K, Miyauchi Y, Shirakawa H, Ishida H, Honda K, Koike J, Yamaguchi Y, Tanabe K:BK polyomavirus nephropathy complicated with acute T-cell-mediated rejection in a kidney.Clinical transplantation.2011;25(23):39.
  13. Takagi T, Kondo T, Iizuka J, Kobayashi H, Hashimoto Y, Nakazawa H, Ito F, Tanabe K:Postoperative renal function after partial nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma in patients with pre-existing chronic kidney disease: a comparison with radical nephrectomy.International Journal of Urology.2011;18(6):472-476.
  14. Takagi T, Kondo T, Tanabe K:Impact of the tumor enhancement pattern in computed tomography for the differential diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma and benign renal tumor.International Journal of Urology.2011;18(12):866-867.
  15. Takagi T, Kondo T, Iizuka J, Kobayashi H, Ikezawa E, Hashimoto Y, Tanabe K:Prognosis and characteristics of renal cell carcinoma in hemodialysis patients: Bilateral occurrence does not influence cancer-specific survival.International Journal of Urology.2011;18(12):806-812.
  16. Takagi T, Kondo T, Iizuka J, Kobayashi H, Hashimoto Y, Nakazawa H, Ito F, Tanabe K:Analysis of laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma patients with end stage kidney disease requiring hemodialysis.Japanese Journal of Endourology.2011;24(2):271-275.
  17. Tanabe T, Ishida H, Horita S, Yamaguchi H, Toma H, Tanabe K:Decrease of blood type antigenicity over the long-term after ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation.Transplant immunology.2011;25(1):1-6.
  18. Tsunoyama K, Sakakibara R, Yamaguchi C, Uchiyama T, Yamanishi T, Takahashi O, Sugiyama M, Kishi M, Ogawa E:Pathogenesis of reduced or increased bladder sensation.Neurourology and urodynamics.2011;30(3):339-343.