
Tokyo Women's Medical University

TEL. 03-3353-8111

〒162-8666 8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

Graduate School of Nursing

Graduate School of Nursing

Practical Nursing III (End of Life Care Studies)


End of Life Care Studies explores nursing that considers assistance to the integration of all people's lives through education, research, and practical knowledge in order to achieve end of life care that respects the person's life and culture and "supports the person's way of life". We will study the theories and concepts necessary for end-of-life care studies and promote research that creates a culture of the way of life, with an eye to future communities in light of the changing times and social background.
End of Life Care Studies offers a master's thesis course and a nurse practitioner practical nursing course (NP course) in the advanced practical nursing education program. In the master's thesis course, students will acquire the basic skills for nursing research to clarify specific phenomena by connecting clinical questions based on their own nursing practice to research questions, aiming to explore and verify nursing practice.
In the NP course, students acquire the basic skills to promote prevention and health promotion based on the concept of end-of-life care (primary prevention), to support early detection of disease and treatment options in collaboration with physicians in community and hospital outpatient settings (secondary prevention), and to provide ongoing treatment and care for chronic diseases (tertiary prevention). The program is designed to provide the basic ability to provide continuous treatment and care for chronic diseases. The aim is to become generalist specialists with outstanding clinical reasoning skills that guarantee the quality of primary health care. In both courses, students will create Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in end-of-life care nursing practice through mutual learning with fellow students and individual independent and autonomous learning.

Possible Research Themes

- Research related to education, practice, and policy on chronic disease management based on regional characteristics, lifestyle culture, and values, and on the quality of life of people living with illness
- Research related to continuity nursing that considers the treatment of patients across the treatment setting: Research to elucidate the practices and outcomes related to continuity nursing and transition in various treatment settings, such as discharge support and discharge coordination, outpatient nursing, home nursing, recovery, rehabilitation, special care and group homes, and community comprehensive support centers.
- Research on decision-making, which is a core practice in end-of-life care, and decision-making support such as advance care planning

Thesis Themes and Main Practice Facilities
■Dissertation Themes

Not available at present due to opening in 2020?Wisdom formation process of family members living with elderly aphasics

■ Main Practice Facilities

- Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital
- Chutoen General Medical Center (Fukuroi City and Kakegawa City) is planned but the main training facilities will be selected according to the students' interests and areas of expertise.


Tokyo Women's Medical University

8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

TEL +81-3-3353-8111