
Tokyo Women's Medical University

TEL. 03-3353-8111

〒162-8666 8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

Graduate School of Nursing

Graduate School of Nursing

Practical Nursing I (Critical Care Nursing)


Critical Care Nursing aims to quickly restore and maintain homeostasis and improve QOL and autonomy for patients, families, and groups in life-threatening situations. In addition, it is a field that explores advanced practical skills, education, and research based on the latest knowledge and evidence. The range is not limited to critical care and intensive care units, but also extends from general wards and outpatients to homes and communities. In other worlds, patients and families with serious chronic diseases with repeated acute exacerbations are also targeted, and cross-sectional and seamless activities are wide-ranging.
Therefore, students will learn the concepts and theories that form the basis of critical care nursing, as well as the specialized areas of bio invasive medicine, metabolism and pathophysiology, treatment management, physical assessment, holistic pain and palliative care, end-of-life care, and medical ethics, to develop a multifaceted and holistic perspective.
The CNS Practical Nursing Course provides a well-developed exercise and practical training environment to learn the six roles (nursing practice, consultation, coordination, ethical coordination, education, and research), attitudes, and attitudes required of CNSs under the supervision of nurses specializing in acute and critical care nursing who work energetically in clinical settings. Let's learn together to improve our ability to explore issues and think theoretically while always striving for self-reflection.

Possible Research Themes

ICU/CCU nursing, acute care nursing (including acute exacerbation of chronic diseases), perioperative nursing, emergency nursing, nursing related to transplantation and advanced care, decision support, family nursing, etc.


Takae Machida
Masako Koizumi

Thesis Themes and Main Practice Facilities
? Thesis Themes

○ Master's Thesis Themes
- The experience of nurses caring for brain-dead donors
- The changing needs of the patient's family during the perioperative period
- Factors that motivate patients who have undergone cardiac surgery to recover
○ Research Paper Themes
- Literature review on nursing care for post-intensive care syndrome in ICU patients
- Literature review on clinical judgment and nursing practice of skilled nurses for patients on ventilators
- A literature review of comfort care for the experience of patients undergoing ventilator management with shallow sedation.
- Subjective experiences of nurses who engaged in acute disaster relief activities after the Great East Japan Earthquake
- Aspects of pain experienced by trauma patients transported to a tertiary care emergency center - from the perspective of total pain

? Main Practice Facilities

Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital
Nippon Medical School Hospital
St. Marianna University Hospital


Tokyo Women's Medical University

8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

TEL +81-3-3353-8111